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A member registered Jan 02, 2021

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Nice gotcha

Ok I forgot when you did that, my bad. But whens next time cc will be an option.

This looks like a really interesting idea. There's gotta be a goal outside of corrupting targets, and the suspicion seems promising. But there needs to be a set routine for characters so we can plan around and do something speed of corruption seem good with room to get an upgrade to speed up the process. Controls are strange but oddly work I just wish I could stay still while the targets menu is on or if I can see where I am with said menu still up so I can multitask. Hopefully corrupted target will help subdue other targets. Keep it up good work

(1 edit)

Just got the game it's not much but I bought it for 2 smackaroonies  to show appreciation for being if of the few that actually finished a game

Oh thx

Oh so each character has a game they come from, does rose have one?

I know you said you did but I'm trying to find where to get them.

Hey, do you also make books and or visual novels, if so where can I buy them. Plus if there's other games are they on PC only or android

Thx 😊

Oh nice. Oh and where can I buy the full game I bought it here on itchio so idk if that counts as, towards, or not to the full game. Thank you.

Hey is there a guide to the units, I can't seem to find the mimicked or indoctrinator.

Yeah I bought it, and she taught the first song, but I can't touch anything, but I'll try again thx again 👍

Hey. How do you do the music thing, not I touch work or is it not implemented yet. Thx in advance

Purchased, keep up the good work.

Me too

5 bucks well spent

i got it thx,  stay safe and keep up the good work

(3 edits)

How do ya get the last shades and loved the game btw best 4 something ive spent today